Vegan Parsley & Walnut Dip with Nutritional Yeast
Servings: 1 jar
Total time: 15 min
For this dip
100g roasted walnuts
3-4 cups fresh parsley
1 clove of garlic (to give more flavour: first roast the garlic)
¼ cup olive oil
½ cup water
½ lime, juiced
1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes
pepper and salt to taste
In your blender, combine all ingredients but only half of the water so you can adjust the quantity. Blend until smooth and creamy and add liquid as needed.
Serve in a bowl along with your favourite salad, as a bread spread, cracker dip, in a pasta dish or as a yummy pizza base! If you come up with more yummy uses, please do let me know.. Enjoy!